Omar is a man who has a shop here full of amazing olive wood carvings. He does them all himself. His work is amazing, it really is. And all of his carvings are totally for LDS people too. His best customers are us students I’m sure. His carvings really are incredible though, and beautiful. Omar is quite the artist. And he’s got carvings of everything, Christ of course, Moroni, Nephi, Relief Society thigs, CTR, abstract carvings of Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus, camels, and… he has nativities too. I think I might have to invest in one of them babies. I’ll definately be getting something.
Dearest Mother… here’s some pictures so you can see the lovely nativity selection.
This nativity has quite a bit of detail and is $140 I think.

I really liked these abstract ones, such cool beans. This is $90.

This nativity costs $90 too, and I maybe like it better. I don’t know Joe, too many decisions in my life.

The Big One: this nativity has so many characters and so much amazingness to it. And with the star at the top, you can twist it and it plays Christmas music! There is so much detail to every single figure. This nativity costs $300. Here’s another thing in the Holy Land that is incredible edible egg. 

I don’t know what I want to get or what I want to do, but I definitely will buy something from good ol’ Omar. He’s just so great. There’s a few fabulous shopkeepers around here who just love us “Mormon University” students. It’s so excellent.