Alaska, Uncategorized


7 June 2010

   Dad picked up Sister and I in Anchorage airport after we finally made it a couple hours late, problems in the “fog bank”.

   Twas a lovely drive down to Homer with moose, a jump in the snow, peanuts, the Forrest Gump soundtrack, a couple Alaskan outhouses, and of course Matilda.

   Got to Homer and went to the Keintz home, where I playing with my darling nieces, Holly, Jordin, and Yisa. Ate some yummy food, as is customary at Holly’s house, saw their lovely garden and chickens, and walked around with Cody boy.

   We visited Mama at the ice cream shop. I had a bit. Weird. It’s been forever, and I think I still don’t like ice cream. Walked around the boardwalk holding Natalie’s hand and picking dandelions. Lovely.

   Got asked to teach a Sunday school class. Excellent.
   As soon as I walked into church I met with the 2nd counselor in the bishopric and I already have a calling as a primary worker. Thank goodness. I need a calling; I’m feeling deprived after being released.
   Guess who else was released from his calling today? Bishop Gold. Sad he’s done. But he did so so so good. Bish was the best. Oh I miss 20th ward and so many other things about this past year in fabulous Laie.
   But it is lovely being home with my dearest family. Can’t wait for Jakey Bob to get here soon!

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