As you can tell by the fotos, the week was pretty goodie… BATISMOS!
Oh how I love fruits of my labors. :) I don’t know why the work is going so great here in Aracruz, but things are grrrreat here. The Lord is working a lot a lot, I’m just trying to follow His lead and do what I need to do.
Tis marvelous to be a missionary, to help others and to be doing good. Just fills my life full of warm fuzzies. The other day we visiting a senhora, Cecilia, the oldest member of the branch here in Aracruz. She just loved our visit so so much and just loved talking with us. When we left she was hugging us and crying and said how much she enjoyed the visit.
Every day I’m reminded at the fact that the Lord uses us, His children, to be instruments in His hands. So often we are inspired to do or say something for someone else, and we get all these little inspirations to help other people. We have so many angels in our paths leading and guiding us. And just rememeber that we so often are these angels for other people. People need you.
We had two baptisms on saturday and another marked for sunday. But unfortunately our baptism for Sunday, Thiago, fell through. He said he wanted more time and didn’t want to fall again and sin more, so he wanted to wait. Sunday morning, Sister do Prado and a member and I were at his house for like an hour, talking with him, teaching him, doing everytihng possible to get him to go to church. But he chose not too.
Sometimes it’s just a little hard that everyone has agency to choose for themselves. But what a blessing. We choose what happens with our lives. We choose who we are and how we react to every situation. No one has control over our lives or happiness but us.
And every single day I learn more and more that when we do the right things, and follow the promptings of the spirit, we are happier. It’s just so perfectly simple.
I love you all muito muito and I love Brasil and Aracruz and being a missionary and Presidente e Sister Araújo e Presidente e Sister Pickett and all these wonderful missionaries and members here. So many wonderful things we have in our lives!
Oh by the way, talked with a couple crazy crazy intoxicated ladies on Saturday. Coo coo people! Alcohol just does no good, no no no. And unfortunately there are bars like no other here in Brasil. And churches like no other too. :) Funny place this is. Love it a lot.
PS sooo excited for thursday! We’ve got a sisters conference of the lovely sisters of Missão Brasil Vitória! All is well. Sending much love to all of you!!