Twas a good week, the highlight being Sisters Conference in Vitória at the mission home with the 11 lovely sisters of the mission, Presidente e Sister Araújo, and the assistentes. It was soooo good. And I got to spend the day with such delightful people. Splendid. Twas celestial. And I got a lovely bundle of mail from the dearest Cottams. Oh how am I blessed with such good peeps in my life.
Speaking of celestial, the members of Aracruz just got back from the temple. Three families sealed and you can just feel and see the light they have now. The temple is 19 hours away and they go twice a year. It’s humbling to see the sacrifices of so many people and how dedicated they are to go to the house of the Lord. I can’t wait to go to the temple again. PS, if you live near a temple, take advantage of it and realize your blessings.
Well I had a nice rain bath the other day. It’s been raining a little and a lot and it’s like cold here. It’s so chilly and night and in the morning and we just don’t have warm clothes or things l like that. And one little blanket just isn’t doing it at night. Especially since my matress is about 4 inches thick too. :) And who knows how many sweaty elders have slept on that mattress. :) Oh well, it’s working pretty well for me. :)
Anyways in the picture of us 4 sisters, you might have noticed that I’ve whipped out my striped sleevies that I found on the beach at Diamond Creek and am using them as leg warmers. You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do.
Yesterday was sunday. There was a baptism. The font would fill up so the sisters filled it up with buckets from the sink. They we realized that there were no baptism clothes in the church, so my companion and I ran home during sacrament meeting to get a white skirt and shirt for the girl who was baptized. Bagunça. :) But everything works out you know.
And yesterday Sister do Prado and I got up nice and early to walk a marathon before church to fetch like 20 people who promised to go with us. LEeft our house at 7:30, passed by like 15 houses, and… we walked to church alone, in the rain, with no investigators. Bugger. But we did all we could, so we’ll be blessed. :)
Well time is up. Until next week. Love you all lots and lots and count your many blessings.
PS was reading the General Conference Liahona and in a talk by Elder Richard G. Scott he said, ” We become what we want to be by constantly being what we want to become each day.”
-Sister Owens