Tis the last week of my second to last transfer. Eek the Cat! :)
Sister Cunha and I heard from a little bird that we’ll be staying here in this lovely Quissamã land! But not 100% sure. And we might get another sister here too, which woud be excellent and is much needed. And… Presidente will be hooking us up with lovely new bikes! Hallelujah! We need another sister and we need bikes and the world (especially Quissamã) would be a much better place with all of this.
The branch is growing and lots of souls are being baptized and confirmed and more to come! The Lord is blessing us so so much. So much. We are finding excellent people, who change my life everyday! The mission is so good. Is is so good to help people and to forget about your own problems and just focus on the work.
Things are going really well and my time is running out and I don’t believe it. This week was so fun and happy. We went to Vitória! And had a festa/conference with the sisters and with Presidente and Sister Araujo. Was so edifying and fun fun fun! Twas nice watching a cartoon or two with them all too! Movie afternoon complete with popcorn! :) Oh the little things in life bring such joy.
And got some lovely lovely mail from Homer seminary class (from Christmas :)) and McKenzie and Joyce and Adriessa (with lots of goodies) and Cottams and Stacy girl and I love mail. Nothing like getting a hand written letter from the peeps you love. Obrigada!
Twas so fun being at the chique mission home with the beautiful beach and was so good having a sleepover with the sisters in Jardim da Penha. So many good thingswhen you’re a missionary. :) And then we came back here to Quissamã and had a talent show and it was fun fun fun.
Love you all and don’t forget to say your prayers. :)