Friday, the 8th of november of 2013.
It began as a normal, lovely, unsuspecting Friday. Chris and I ran on the beach. I went to class and he worked (which on this day meant prepping for proposal). He kept working and I went to the temple, and then made some cookies and quinoa. Yum.
Well… Chris, with help from Alyssa and other lovely people, had been secretly planning and coordinating for a “smothered with love” proposal to get a ring on my fingie.
Chris wrote lovely love notes and hid them throughout campus and Laie. With each love note, there was also a video for me to watch of lots of my favorite people telling me how much they loved me! Yay love love love.
Chris had recorded video clips of some my lovely roommates and neighbors Cherisse, Keryna, Taylor, Victoria, Alyssa, and my favorite twins, Alexis and Elena, and of my Carla girl too of course! They all told me they love me lots and that they’re happy and all of this made me a very happy girl. :)
So Alyssa went around Laie with me on a love note hunt to Peej’s office, to our favorite library study spot, to the peaceful McKay foyer, to our favorite beach nook, to seven brothers for some delicious fries, to the beach glass cave on the point, to the gardens by temple beach, and finally we ended up at the temple, where Alyssa set me free.
On the grass I saw a nice little computer surrounded by lovely Hawaiian flowers, and a box of tissues. So I went and laid down and watched 17 minutes of my family and Chris’s family expressing more love and gratitude. It was so great. I loved that a lot. So happy that that boy got many of my favorite people to be a part of these special moments. :)
Then out popped my macublet Christopher Robin.
And out popped the question and out popped the ring!
I met this Christopher boy in my home Homer ward when I got home from my mission over a year and a half ago. We got engaged one year and four months after we first cuddled and sort of kissed haha. I dragged my feet for quite a while with plenty of indecision and doubt, without my mind and heart being fully open. But luckily this boy was good and patient. He’s such a peach. My heart and life are full of love, and love which will continue to grow lots and lots. Happy happy.
So let’s get married!