I love sundays. The day has a general feeling of loveliness.
Today I am grateful for the time I took to prepare for my sunday lesson. Also, our sacrament meeting today was super! The musical number was fantastic. It was awe-some. And the speakers were inspired too and I’m grateful when people take the time to share their thoughts and experiences with others. Church is great for me.
I’m thankful that Chris and I have funny animals that make us chuckle everyday.
I’m thankful that my sister and her family live so close. We went over there tonight and I played sims with the girls. :) And I had some goat and deer. It’s very nice having healthy meat around. And then Chris and I went to the Bowden’s house and tried some homemade granola. Yum. And piña coladas. Food is quite nice.
So pumpkin pie is reeeeal good to me these days. I’m grateful for a loving mother who brought some pumpkin pie over for us. Sharing is caring. :) I’m also grateful she brought us mouse traps… because we killed the mouse who has been living under our stove. It was kind of traumatic, but I think it’ll be better than adding a mouse to our house.
ALSO, the song Glorious by David Archuleta from Meet the Mormons is one of my new favorites.