Shabbat Shalom.
Okay, Christopher Robin is very very helpful with mostly anything technological. It’s super nice and useful he’s so handy that way to everyone. At church, it was Chris’s job to set up for the stake conference broadcast (we watch broadcasted since we live an hour and half from the stake center). Well we were going to leave our house at 9:30 to allow enough time for set up and stuff. Well… we woke up at 9:33. Eek! the Cat!
It was so funny, and we were up and out the door in like ten minutes (miracle) and everything got all set up in time! With a couple minutes to spare even. Wowie. I’m grateful for that little miracle. And I’m grateful for the many days that I don’t need an alarm clock.
I’m so grateful for PIANO and that I’ve been playing a lot more. I love it soooo much. So grateful that I’ve been blessed with that gift.
I’m so grateful to have my parents and oldest sister and her family around. Here’s a mediocre picture of great people doing normal things — Holly highlighting her own hair, Natalie drinking, or pretending to drink, pickle juice, Katy eating sweet potato pudding, and Mama listening to her.The girls and I played outside for a while today and it was so nice and fun. Katy and Natalie put their swimsuits on to jump into their little pond. They put their feet in it. And they enjoyed being in their swimsuits, as well as using their new umbrellas from Grammy. We worked on building a fort too and it reminded me so much of when I was a kid. We had so many forts. I loved it. And the air tonight was so clean and cool and refreshing. I love being an aunty.
Chris and I have been watching a movie like every night. Usually I whip out a couple of snowflakes while we’re doing that. I do love all my paper snowflakes! :) Grateful for them.
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