There’s no place like home.
What a most beautiful sky that welcomed us.
We were sealed at the Manti temple and it was so magical and really really special. I feel so blessed and happy and grateful and I’m so glad Chris and I got to share this day with so many people we love. And I’m glad I got to wear my wedding dress again, because I love it. I’m grateful for the gospel and that Chris and I get to be bffs and lovers forever!
To be tan,
And to live ten feet from the beach,
And to never have to wear a coat,
Or pants very often,
To have salty hair,
To have sand between the sheets,
And to get loss of sunshine.
I miss all of that.
I always will.
I am happy to be home.
I always will be.
"What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family." -Mother Theresa
Made with for us.