
Super Bowl Sunday

8 February 2016

Sacrament meeting enlightened me yesterday. Friends and acquaintances bore testimonies that helped mine and strengthened my gratitude for God. I don’t doubt the love or omniscience of Heavenly Father. At times my faith and hope waiver because of my limited vision. And other times I get complacent and comfortable, and I neglect to recognize God’s grace in my life. But the testimonies on Sunday reminded me of how much we need the Lord and each other.

There was one young woman who bore her testimony about personal progress. That is a YW president’s dream! :) Most of the young women in our ward don’t do much with their personal progress, but a couple do, and it makes a big difference in their lives. At the end of the girl’s testimony she said, “I’m grateful for Sister Palmer and her helping guide the young women,” and that made me feel good. I don’t need public shout outs, but they are helpful sometimes. In helping the YW at church, I think too much about what I could be doing and I don’t recognize the good that I do do. (haha, doo doo). There’s always plenty to do in the various callings and positions that we serve in, but the most important thing we do/way to be is to love those we serve.

I’ve been wondering about the organization of the church lately, and wondering why it is the way it is. I’ve heard things like: the organization of the church is perfect, but the people aren’t. On Sunday I got some answers to those wonderings/doubts of mine. The church is like a family, a group, a community, and we strengthen and uplift each other. We all have strengths. We all have weaknesses. And we can help each other grow closer to the savior.

My faith is what is is today for many reasons. One of the big reasons is my family, and how I’ve learned to live the gospel with them. Other reasons are sunday school teachers, seminary teachers, local auxiliary leaders, local and worldwide church leaders. Many many people have helped me learn more about the Godhead and help me have desire to follow God’s plan.

My dear amiga, Sister Taylor Moyes, currently serving a mission in the Philippines, said this in her latest email: “I particularly like the talk given by Elder Dale G. Renlund “Through God’s Eyes”. He states, “to effectively serve others, we must see them through a parent’s eyes, through Heavenly Father’s eyes. Only then can we sense the love Heavenly Father has for all His children. Only then can we sense the Savior’s caring concern for them”.”

Church was great. I love going. And I love when we’re early. And yesterday… I was totally ready for church early! I got plenty done in the morning, got ready quickly, and felt like a beauty, and everyone likes that. :) I wore a vintage polka dot dress, perfect length, great sleeves, with pockets, that I got a thrift store the day before. It has buttons going up the back, and I wore it with my favorite caramel brown belt and shoes. Feeling good in my clothes and skin (even though it grows whiter everyday) usually always make a difference of how I feel during the day. Chris looked equally nifty today so we took a little self timer picture after church. Not the best quality or angle, but it brings good thoughts to mind. 12715404_10153860032407667_830819832890959439_n.jpg

After church we came home and finished preparations for our annual Super Bowl festa. We had a bunch of friends over. Most were from church since that’s our main social circle, but he had a neighbor family come over too which was really great. I want us to be great neighbors and I want to know all our neighbors, which we currently don’t. We are in dog conflicts with one of our neighbors, which is hard for me, and for her to, I’m sure. Anyway, Super Bowl party, we had lots of food and lots of people and some football too.



1 Comment

  • Reply alyssa stevenson 18 February 2016 at 11:25

    Heyyyy!! I cant remember if i commented on this one. I dont think so.
    But i saw it and loved it. Its funny how not into football I am… but how for some reason on super bowl sunday its cool and great.

    Remember our super bowl party at the quite house?? we had lots of good food and it was so fun. Riley told me that was the first super bowl party he ever went too. Kinda was crazy to me, because he loves football… but guess they never really partied it up on sunday.

    but looks like you had a good group and i know you had good foods.
    miss you.

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