Ugh. That’s how I feel about it.
Hallelujah it’s over!
And I plan to never do it again.
So hallelujah for that too.
It’s just so. much. work. Yes, it makes a couple thousand doll hairs dollars for the youth camps, and it gets community members familiar with the church members and building, and it helps people get of stuff, and others to get some great deals, but, it’s a load of not very fun work. And a lot of that load goes on the youth leaders’ shoulders.
It was nice hanging out with great people today, and it was awesome that it was sunny, but the garage sale kind of promotes consumption of stuff, stuff people don’t need. We Americans tend to have a stuff problem anyway. And then we’re try and get people to buy baked goods, hot dogs, and hamburgers, none of which are that great for our physical health.
As a youth leader, I do really appreciate everyone’s support for the garage sale. People can be so so good. Many great people graciously donated their possessions, time, baked goods, and efforts to helping make the garage sale a success. It was a team effort.
And our cute boys were so good.
And wow. After being gone doing garage sale stuff for nine hours today, and busy with it the past week, I am soooo glad that fundraiser is over! And glad I plan to not do it again!
PS I ate way too many baked goods today. And pizza. Some of which got taken away haha – funny story. But I don’t feel well after fillling my belly with crappy food.
PPS There were some great moments today. One was seeing an old friend and neighbor and hearing about her happy, fulfilling life. It made me so glad to hear she was doing well, living homestead style, and expecting a baby!
*My most favorite moment of the day was when one of the young men was holding and taking care of the babies. It was so sweet. And he said something like, “holding a baby always makes you feel better.” And true dat.