Saturday morning! Exclamation point!
I’ve had a long few weeks at middle school and with middle schoolers, and I’ve missed waking up when I want, and doing what I want when I wake up. Today is a day where I can do that and I’m happy happy about it! Naturally, I woke up at 6:55 am hahaha. During the school week I get out of bed about 7:15 am, so it’s funny I woke up earlier. But I feel well rested and it’s so nice to not have to get out of bed and get ready for school though.
Getting up has been especially hard for me lately. Maybe because it’s always dark when I get up, and the bedroom is usually chilly willy. I want to enjoy getting up, so I’m working on that. Any tips? Dancing around like a kook when I wake up is helpful, gets me moving and awake. I don’t do that very often, but I shall.
In 8th grade language arts yesterday, where I subbed for two days, the kids were asking me for some “pearls of wisdom” that they had to write down. One wanted to write what a fellow classmate came up with: “Hope is like pizza, great!” Funny. But they requested some from me because they had to write down some “pearls of wisdom” from an “adult.” :) I had a hard time thinking of any on the spot, but my mind turned to some great peacebuilders: Martin Luther King Jr, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and David O. McKay.
Dr. MLK: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
David O. McKay: “No other success can compensate for failure in the home.”
Gandhi: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Mother Teresa: “What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.”
And thinking of peace building always takes me back to President McKay’s prophetic vision for those of BYU-Hawaii (12 Feb. 1955): “Those noble men and women, the world needs them. One man said the world needs men who cannot be bought or sold, men who will scorn to violate truth, genuine gold. That is what this school is going to produce… You mark that word, and from this school, I’ll tell you, will go men and women whose influence will be felt for good towards the establishment of peace internationally.”
Hahaha the cat just jumped on the keyboard, stood on the power button, and turned on some demo beat song.
This morning after laying in bed on my phone, with Chris sleepily cuddling me, I came out in front of the heater and explored pinterest. I don’t use pinterest that much, but it has a lot of beautiful ideas and gets my creative juices flowing. I found I bunch of great quotes that I had previously pinned on there as well, so to continue along with the Pearls of Wisdom, I shall share them.
Now it’s time for a walk outside. It’s light out. And it snowed almost an inch last night… we’ll take what we get! Snow brings beauty and magic!