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Hoppy Mother’s Day!

10 May 2010

Have you met my favorite person in the world? You should.
She’s absolutely lovely.

[pictured about 30 years ago]

This is the woman who gives her life for mine. There is no one I love more than her.

Random list what I love about my mother dear:
-neverrrr grumpy
-very distracted/focused driving
-cooking, what a chef
-selfless service always
-closet full of good clothes
-simultaneously reading and walking
-liking day old popcorn
-colorful walls
-bringing home new obscure animals
-being her bed buddy
-endless supply of craft supplies
-funny funny
-colorful robes
-delicious bread, yum yum
-yummy cookies too of course
-texts from her
-toast messes
-full bookshelves
-celtic woman sunday mornings
-interests in alternative stuffs
-her alaskan womaness
-love for flowers
-twirly gig windsock on antenna
-massive collection of movies
-always so cheerful
-always makes me happy
-always being the best mother she can be

I love you Mumsy.
Mahalo for being so good to me every single day of your life!

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

Helping Hands

9 May 2010

Service Project at Pounders Beach.

Cleaned up garbage and sticks and such.
So lovely.
Service projects are excellent.
I love how many we have.
There needs to be more service in the world.
Ana and Susan filling bags
Funny stalker picture of 20th ward bishopric. They’re the greatest.
Alex and Brother Camp moving big sticks

I had a lovely morning serving.
Now I’m just working on getting visiting teaching set up again and planning the Relief Society lesson for tomorrow.
Tis a delightful Saturday.
I’ll be so sad to leave all this.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

je voudrais

7 May 2010
I would very much like to go on another camping trip 
with these two girls and my dear ol’ dad. 
[photo taken summer 2007, best summer ever, Seward, AK]
Favorites, Hawai'i

Bye Buddy.

5 May 2010
Hope you find your dad. :)

Dad called me today and told me he had some bad news. Buddy went to sleep last night and didn’t wake up this morning. Sad. So sad. He lived a happy thirteen years and i’s in a better place now. But I’m really quite sad he’s gone. :( Really sad.
Buddy and I were pretty much bestie friends. He slept with me every night and it was the best. He was such a good cuddler. I miss those days.

One of the things I loved most about my dear Buddy boy he was always so happy to see me. He would get so excited and just bark and jump around. It made me so happy.
Buddy was always full of energy. You’d never guess he was thirteen because he would just run and bark all over the place. He chased cars like mad and in the summer he’d go out in the field and dig for mice. Such a crazy boy he was.

The last five years I didn’t really live with him because I was at school and stuff, and when home I didn’t make nearly enough effort to give him all the love he deserved. But he always loved me unconditionally. No matter how I was to him, he was nothing but loyal to me. And I’m so thankful for Dad, Lee, Reanna, and Lauren, and that they’ve taken such good care of him and given him so much love the past few years.
I’m really sad Buddy’s gone. Really sad. And so surprised. I never thought he’d die. And I’ll be home in a month so I could’ve seen him again, but I guess it’s’ easier this way. I’m still so sad though. It won’t be the same when I go home. Crying.

I need to be more like Buddy.
Giving more unconditional love, always being playful young at heart, having so much energy, and being so so happy to see everyone.
Buddy was the greatest to me. I’m so blessed to have had a scruffy little doggy friend like him.

Love you Buttercup. A lot. See you in Heaven.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized


4 May 2010

This is JJ. We went to Jerusalem together.

[pictured at Kursi in the Galilee. posing as if he lost his limb to the old land mines.]
He’s here on Oahu doing an internship so I got to hang out with him tonight! It was so good. JJ is a neato tolledo fellow. I just love all my fellow Jersalemies so much.
Hawai'i, Uncategorized

Sick Girl Writes Poem

3 May 2010

Day after day
sick in bed I lay.
Nothing to do.
No one to talk to.
All I want is sleep.

No food.
No movies.
No energy.
No life.
No fun.

Just me.
Just my sickie self.
Just laying lifeless.
Just looking at
the super long hair on my arm.

It’s really long.
And it stands up.
Can you see it?
Now that’s kind of fun.

P.S. I’m starting to feel much better. 
Hawai'i, Uncategorized


1 May 2010

I can’t wait to go home in a month and play with these two little darlings!

Excited to become best friends with this good boy again too, and of course to meet the new chickies.

So many good things to look forward to. But I’m gonna be one sad girl to leave this Hawaii land and sad to leave being RS prez. At least I’ll be coming back someday soon though.

I’m still a sickie girl. It’s been five days. This is dumb. I’m coughing like a fool today. Annoying. Popsicles are still helpful.

Thanks to Jordi for sending me these happy pictures. Wishing a very happy happy birthday to that old man. So very glad he’s my brother in law. He’s just brought so much goodness into our family, and especially to my dear sister, which is most important.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

Thankful Thursday

30 April 2010

Each Thursday, Sister and I like to write on these pretty heart shaped post its some things we’re especially thankful for.

Today my list includes:
-popsicles, and yes, I’ve had 6 today
-yummy green soup
-new incense and incense holder
Priesthood blessings, and those friends worthy to give them
-cell phone, to always call the parentals
-sweet awesome box of goodies from Hayley
-facebook of course
-Mary-Kate and Ashley movies
-mission prep class
-pictures, and ones that don’t get deleted
-new doggy friends
-Robby Reeves
-my callling and working with Bishop
-and of course my dear roomie, Stacy boy

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

tomber malade

29 April 2010

I am sick.
No energy.
No motivation.
Sore sore throat.
Don’t want to swallow anything.
Spent most of the last three days in bed,
trying to sleep, just laying here.
But I’ve got so much to do.
This is no fun.

By the way, my wonderful grandpa has been gone a year now. We all still miss that good man so much. But he’s in a much better place now, and we’ll see him again.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

Blue and Red!

26 April 2010

The colors for the day are blue and red! Why? Because today marks the anniversary of the birth of my favorite twins.
These twinsies are the best. They are always cracking me up. Always. And I miss the days when we’d play in 216. Good times with those genius girls. So lucky they’re in my life.
Happy Birthday Lexy and Lenny!

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

One Year.

25 April 2010

It’s been an entire year since I’ve left Jerusalem.
The sadness and longing never goes away.

But most fortunately, the happiness never leaves either.

Holy Moly Holy Land I miss it and everyone and everything so much!

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

the coolest dude on the planet

23 April 2010

is Robby Reeves.

And it’s his birthday today.

I miss Robby a lot. He lived with my family for many many years, but doesn’t anymore. It’s bittersweet.
Robby is the best though. There isn’t anyone who is happier with life than he is. He’s so good and so fun and I love hanging out with him.
I wish I got to see him more, because this cool kid makes me happy. I love Robby Reeves! And I hope he has a happy happy birthday.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

Break: Over Exposure

19 April 2010

Semester over. Break time.
A week off to do whatever I want.
Except sad that so many peeps are gone now.
Too many goodbyes.
It happens though.

Here’s what else happened:

Cruised around the island in this sweet ride beaucoup, mostly with this Sister girl and Anito.

Jammed to the pod the whole time in the car. Listened to sweet tunes such as Journey, Sufjan Stevens, Mason Jennings, Billy Joel, First Aid Kit, Regina Spektor, Matt Costa, and more.

Went to a beautiful Buddhist temple where Sister, Anita, and I made a new friend from Singapore. Funny man.

Rung a giant gong to spread happiness and such.

Made some beautiful wishes.

Played on the beach of course!

Went to Swap Meet with some lovely amigas.

Worked on my ukulele skills. It’s progressing well.

Discovered some Cadbury mini eggs at Pricebusters! Then proceeded to eat too many of them. Somehow that always happens. :)

I also spent much time enjoying the beautiful Hawaiian sky and sun and trees and everything. I love being here. And this blessed school is so perfect for me.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

nijntje op de fiets

19 April 2010

Miffy rides a bike.
I ride a bike.

Should I take marine bio or not take marine bio?

Tis complete with Enya, yogi tea, and incense.

Early to bed, early to rise,
makes one healthy, wealthy, and wise.