Aloha! I just got back from a little buggy ride on the beach with our
elect investigator family! But we spent so much time playing that
we’ve got no time to write. :) And I’ve got about a bajillion lovely
fotos from these last three weeks but can’t send them yet. Oh well,
you’ll all be seeing them soon enough.
Some days I go a little crazy because I only have three weeks left. So
many different feelings that just don’t go together. Happy, sad,
anxious, excited, nervous, bdfjkahdasldk. Lots of things going on. But
it is all lovely and I remember Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. To everything
there is a season (turn turn turn)…
As I have said 500 times, I love Quissamã. The members help our little
trio de poder so much. They’re ready and willing to serve at every
moment. I love them muchly.
And they make excellentíssimo almoço too, aka lunch is delish. hehe
Quissamã is so beautiful and it is so fun with bikes! We go so many
more places and meet so many more peoples. Oh the places we go! The
natureza here is perfect, and how I will forever miss the divine fruit
And tis avocado season. One of our recent converts gave me a big giant
avocado and he gives us cows milk from the farm too. My lovely comps
made cheese with the cows milk and twas yum yum yummy.
I need to prepare to enter the cold because soon I will be back in the
snow land. But before that, I will be playing in Rio!! Woo hoo I am so
grateful for the many angels the Lord puts in my path. Life is good
and will get even better.
Sunday was grand. We had lots and lots of investigators at church. And
lots and lots of less actives too! The frequency was 100+!! We call
this… milagre. I believe in miracles. (and fairies, clap your
Quissamã is in desperate need of a church building. And with these
members working so hard and with God sending so many angels here,
we’re hoping that they’ll announce chapel construction this year. I
hope Sister Cunha and Sister Nicascio stay here this next transfer to
continue this obra maravilhosa.
My sista sent me a lovely joke. A knee slapper.
Q. What did the buffalo say to his son when he left for college?
A. Bison.
I think I’ll end with that for today. Have a happy week and know that
we ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the
service of your God. (Mosiah 2:17). I love King Benjamin. Obrigada for
the letters and cards and birthday wishes and love and prayers! Tchau!
Com amor, Sister Owens
Had a little goodbye party at Holly and Jordin’s. Twas excellent.
Said goodbye to many of the wonderful people of Homer ward.
We had a delightful time with delightful foods and delightful people.
Best news of the day: my computer and I have reunited after a long week of her getting a makeover. I’m so happy! And she looks and works so beautifully now!
I ate a bueno bar yesterday. Yummy yumkins! Took me back to the Shekel Shaq days in Jerusalem.
Made some quinoa today for my farewell party tonight. It’s at my sista Holly girl’s house if you want to come. 6 pm.
I leaving October 4th or 5th. So soon.
A nun from the Sound of Music just bestowed that bit of wisdom upon me.
We had to stop on the drive up for a mini photo/ukulele session.
We stayed at a hotel and the little girlies loveddd the pool.
We bought lots of things. And by we, I mean I. I bought lots of things, but all things that I’ll need whilest being on a mission in Brazil for a year and a half.
We had a yummy yumkins smoothie and such.
We partied it up at Costcoland.
We read books and hid from alligators.
We played a lot of Lemur.
And then we drove home. Ahhhh home. Sweet home.
And I love playing lemur with her.
She’s gonna be so big when I get back from Vitoria, Brazil in April 2012.
I caught my
first king salmon
the other day.
Yippee skippee!
I wish I liked
to eat it. But
I’m sure after
my mission
=Pollock can grow up to 1.07 m and weigh 21 kg.
=Pollock can be found in water over 100 fathoms.
=The Alaskan pollock fishery in the the Bering Sea is the largest single species food fish fishery in the world.
=Imitation crab is usually made out of minced pollock.
=Sometimes I find pollock in the fish boxes when I clean boats.
=Pollock is what we caught when I went out with the Keintz fam. :)
17 September 2010
Happy 5 year anniversary Dad and Lee!
Wishing you more time and happiness together.

Woke up at 4 am to road trip to Anchorage.
Went to the temple with my parents. Wow.
Got to see the wonderful Wilsons.
Shopped for goods in the big city.
Jammed to sweet tunes the whole way home.
Chatted and chortled with the fam bam.
So wish Jakey Bob would’ve been there too.
Realized that I am leaving in two weeks.
Wondering how I will say goodbye.
I’m sickie. It’s boring and not fun.
I’m just laying around, sleeping and staring.
Thought I’d share this little picture I took on Sunday.
Didn’t know we had such creepy spidies in AK.
Hopefully I encounter no spidies in Brazil. Not likely.
Sunday was beautiful and sunny!
Gave my farewell talk on stewardship.
I’d say it went swimmingly.
And I love love love Homer ward.
Enjoyed a smoothie party on the porch in my new dress.
Ukulele and harmonica jams were of course present.
Took pictures of a big spider and my new polar bear.
Only cleaned one bauteau.
Beach jaunt with ukulele and Cody love.
Pictionary and sticky popcorn fiesta with favorite peeps.
That is one very good day.