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Kindergarten Teacher

27 February 2015

IMG_3515I had the joyous privilege of substitute teaching in my niece’s kindergarten class for a week. It was so very very wonderful and made me really happy. Those kiddos are just so sweet and cute. There were times when I got a bit bothered with some, but I just love each of them! They gave me lots of hugs and we had a jolly time together. It was such a good good week.

IMG_3634IMG_3689And one of the best parts about being at Paul Banks Elementary, was that both of my nieces are there. So I’d get to seem them at recess and in the hall, and of course Katy was in my class the whole time. And after school they’d hang out in the classroom with me and help me clean things up (and they’d play on the smart board, which they loved). I love those darling nieces of mine, and the kindergarteners, and substitute teaching.

Here’s a picture of me and Edel Cradle sleeping on the floor after a lovely day of teaching and playing.



the tire swing date

11 January 2015

IMG_3645These magical photos were taking by my Christopher at the end of 2012. This tire swing place is about 15 minutes out of town. Every time I drive by I want to frolic there, but I only have a few times. With this special little frolic time, I wanted to get some lovely pictures of my nieces to surprise my sister. It was a memorable little date we had together, and these are some of my favorite pictures of me with my nieces who I love soooo very much.IMG_3596IMG_3605 IMG_3569 IMG_3625


November 19th

19 November 2014

IMG_0282 IMG_0291 IMG_0296 IMG_0297I am grateful for my beautiful morning. Edel girl and I went out for our walk, and just decided to head all the way down the beach. Being the end of November, the sun rises pretty late in the morning, so fortunately I’m usually awake during sunrise, which is one of my very most favorite times of day.

I’m grateful for the bagel shop and their heavenly bagels and schmears. We had a girls lunch there today and it was quite nice. Than I went back to my sista’s house, where her cat Spike gave her a hug, where she gave my dad a haircut (but absolutlely no beard trimming), and then I said cheers to my pops since he’s headed back to the slope for work work. IMG_0304

I am so so grateful for my nieces and our adventures together. They fill me with life and love. I picked them up from the bus stop and then we went to safeway (formerly Eagle:)) and got some things to make pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. When we first walked in the store, there’s all the flowers. And the girls were like, “Can we get Mom some flowers?”

And they really wanted to get her some flowers. So we did. And it was splendid. We decided on tulips, but they couldn’t decide on a color together. So I’m grateful for the florist working there, because she offered some help and made a half pink and half orange bouquet of tulips. Then the girls wrote a little note on those little flower cards for their wonderful mother. So precious.

A buch of us peeps got together for dinner at a friends house, where I partook of half a burger of a real, wild cow. It was good. Grateful I liked it. :) I’m not a burger eater, but with all the yummy burger fixings, and an opportunity at healthy meat, I’m grateful I said yes.

I felt really grateful to be a mutual too. We prepared thanksgiving food baskets tonight for some needier families. I’m so grateful for the faithful relief society sisters who came to help. And I’m grateful for the words and conversation we all shared. I’m grateful to serve in the YW presidency with Katie and Brittany (and Tammy), and for their wonderful lessons and their love for the Lord, his gospel, his church, and his children.

I am so grateful to come home to my sweetest sweet, and our animals (or our petting zoo as my silly sally sister Stacy calls it). IMG_0349(Amelia kitty not pictured, since she was out and about doing who knows what. Cats are funny.)


November 18th

18 November 2014

Today was a hard day. Lots of crying.

As much as I like free play time, it’s really good and really important to work. The past month I haven’t really been working. Somedays I go a little cuckoo and don’t know what to do with myself and the time I’m given. At other times I really really enjoy the time I have to make quality food, play piano, blog, go on walks, make smoothies, keep the house clean, make our home more lovely. I’ve been able to do some lovely things and I’m grateful for that freedom.

I’m substitute teaching now and I still have freedom, but I also have the blessing to do quality work and to make some monies. I’m reeeeal grateful for that. It’s working out well.

Anyway, today I was struggling with useless thoughts of purposelessness and purposeless thoughts of usefulness. It was hard. But our loyal furry creatures and my lovely caring husband and family made me feel much better. I’m so grateful for these souls.

FOTOS. At the end of my day, I decided to go read with the girls, since they are full of light and love that rubs on me. :) I took the Little Prince to read with them. Katy fell asleep, and so Natalie and I just kept reading and talking on the top bunk. It was so good and happy. We talked about baobabs and all sorts of other things. Also, pictures of my precious nephew that come to my phone throughout the day make me happy and grateful. I love my family peeps.



November 17th

17 November 2014

Monday. FHE – noite familiar.

Everyday, I feel so grateful for our home. I love it. Chris bought it shortly after we met two and a half years ago. What a good choice he made for a first home! I love it so. I love that it’s ours (I mean the mortgage company’s, and a small part of it is ours – I’d choose the wall in the kitchen and the natural wood doors and trim, and the black door knobs, and the two huge windows in the living room).

I’m grateful our house is nice and clean (right meow) and that we have a washer!

I’m grateful for this family nap moment that I saw at my sista’s house. IMG_0240Here’s a picture of Chris’s yellow breakfast. Grateful for our foods. Thank you farmers and so many other people along the way that help bring food into my home!!IMG_0165I’m grateful that instead of saying “no”, I said “yes” and did a puzzle with little Natalie girl!IMG_0239I’m grateful for a foot rub from my honey boy. I’m grateful for clean sheets. I’m grateful for our kitchen table and chairs, and our other furniture too. I love our home.

I’m grateful that my dad is funny. IMG_0179Today, I am most grateful for Empty Nesters FHE. Chris and I hosted it at the Palmer Palace tonight and the empty nesters in the ward and the missionaries came over. It was great! Yummy sourdough waffles, and a super good veggie quiche with basil in it. I’m really picky with eggs, but these were goooood. And I’m grateful for that. I want to like eggs. :)

It was soooooooo good getting to know everyone better. I love the conversation space in our home. It is so good to sit around and talk.


November 6th

6 November 2014

Some days I make it difficult to get out of bed. This occurs when I’m feeling like a sloth and I don’t feel motivated to do much. This cycle often spirals downward. The results are not ideal. Well that kind of happened today. Annoying. Buuut it happens.

I’m grateful for a dog who reeeeeeally likes getting outside when we wake up. I’m grateful for this because I always enjoy these walks with Edel (and Christopher, and our kitty Bel sometimes). It is so beautiful and I’m especially grateful to watch the seasons changing this winter. IMG_9727

I’m grateful for our home and our clothes and our baskets and for my friendship bracelet making time today, which made me feel more productive than laying in front of the heater with Edel. And I’m so grateful I got all my substitute teacher paper work done! Yay.IMG_9732


I’m grateful we live sooooo close to the beach and the ocean! Chris and I took Edel down there tonight and it was delightful. The world is a beautiful place.


Also, I am obviously no longer studying at the blessed BYU-Hawaii. I am soooo extremely grateful for the many classes I was able to take there, the lessons I learned, the professors who taught, friendly students, interesting subjects.. so grateful for it all. I do miss school. I am grateful for my peace building classes, oceanography, physiology, biology, world history, english, french literature, communications, anatomy, Eburne’s classes, anthropology, personal and family finance, physical science, volleyball, soccer, church history, doctrine and covenants, old testament, book of mormon… so many wonderful things I learn and hope to keep learning!


november 5th

5 November 2014


I hope my gratitude posts don’t become shallow and redundant. I really am grateful for my life, how it is, and who I am. I’m grateful for the things that refresh my perspective on my life, myself, and on others.

I’m grateful when Chris leaves my toothbrush ready for me to brush away! It makes it much more desirable to brush my teeth. :)IMG_9694

I’m grateful that I get to make tasty healthy food for me and Christopher. I’m grateful for his kisses. And when we look at the sky together. I like looking at the moon. And the stars. And the sun. JK, I’d recommend not looking directly at the sun.

I’m grateful for how I feel happy and rejuvenated after a good mutual activity at church with the young women. Sometimes I do not have the best attitude before I get to the church, but I usually leave feeling much lighter. I’m grateful for that. It was especially lovely to have both of my nieces at the church tonight too, for activity day and for hangout with Chelsea time. :)

Tonight I wasn’t really wanting to go to mutual, since we were watching Downton Abbey and eating salmons and potatoes and I was wearing sweats with lace pockets, but it really turned out lovely and made me happy.IMG_9720


November 4th

4 November 2014


Tuesday and Thursday evenings I play volleyball for a couple hours with various wonderful community members. I am so grateful for it. I love playing volleyball and I’m grateful for the exercise and for a well functioning healthy body and grateful that I know the community volleyballs schedule!

Also I’m grateful for the right I have to vote! Thank you to so many who have contributed to providing me with the freedoms that I have. So grateful to be an American and an Alaskan. :)

I hung out with my mama today and it was lovely. I love her so much and I love who she is and how she influences me. Today at her house I saw these two cool old pictures of my grandma with her in-laws and of my grandpa’s mother, Ethel. Really neato. Grateful for pictures. Forever grateful for pictures. They preserve and share so much.IMG_9675 FullSizeRender-1

Also, I found this old can of beanz today in this house we’ve been cleaning out. Cool. Vintage beans. :)IMG_9670

On my way home, I stopped at my sista’s house, and my niece Natalie was drawing the beautiful beautiful pink sunset. I am so grateful for Natalie and how she brings out the best in me.

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And when I came home, my darling husband had dinner waiting for me! Perfect burritos. I’m so grateful for our food times at the table and I’m so grateful Christopher is my dear companheiro. <3<3<3


November 2nd

2 November 2014

Today I am thankful for fast sundays. It’s not a day I always look forward to, because I do quite enjoy eating yummy food and I don’t always enjoy being hungry, but it is definitely a day I am grateful for. It is a blessing to be able to fast and it helps me rely more on the Lord. I’m grateful for the knowledge that I have that God hears and answers my prayers.

I’m grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost and that he can be our constant companion. I’m so grateful for the inspirations that I receive throughout the day, which lead me to greater peace and happiness.

Today I’m grateful that our kitties are getting along better!! Since we got our little kitty Bel this summer, our lovely fluffy cat Amelia has not been very happy about it. We’ve prayed for them to get along better and it is happening. They can both be around each other now without too much hissing and growl meows. Our Edel pup is pretty good with the cyats too.

One of the things I’m so so grateful for is family time here at mine and Chris’s home!! Mom, sister, and my precious nieces came over and played today after church! This is Chris and Natalie watching the trek video that Chris made. Presh and lovely.

imageWe ate really yummy and healthy stiryfry and salmon. It was lovely. And then we had some of my pumpkin pie that turned out fantastically. I’m grateful for healthy delicious food and our desire to consume it. I’m so happy we have salmon, and hopefully we will get some halibut soon too.

imageI’m grateful for Natalie and Katy and how happy they make me and how they make life much more magical. We made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies together this evening and it was so enjoyable and delicious! I love making cookies, giving them away, and eating them of course.

imageI’m grateful for Chris’s beard too. He just shaved it. He’s been bearded for so long! So that’ll be an adjustment. :) I’m so grateful for all the hard work he does and his dedication to do great things and help people.

I’m grateful we went to a cute little girl’s baptism today and for the confirming spirit we felt. On my mission, I made a goal to go to baptisms around me. Baptisms and confirmations are always special and I am reminded of the sweet spirit I felt with so many people on my mission.

Popcorn with coconut oil and salt is yummy and nice to eat whilest watching netflix, and I’m grateful for moments like that with my honey husband today. :)  I’m grateful for netflix, and for our whirley pop to make popcorn!

I feel very blessed. And I’m grateful for that. I’m also grateful for my pink tights. I love them.