Field trip to Tel Aviv day, and the day after we got back from Jordan too. Tel Aviv is about an hour away from Jerusalem and is a much much more modern and less conservative city than J Town.
First we went to a Jewish History Museum or something in Tel Aviv. It was such a sunny sunny day and everything is getting so beautiful.
Then we went to this other place where some Zionist stuff happened and some meetings back in the day, but I fell asleep there and I don’t really remember what was going on. But here’s Annie, Heidi, and I in a significant room, with a picture of Theodore Herzl, founder of Zionism, in the background.
Then we were free! We wandered around Tel Aviv and came across some interesting souls, and there were cool ones too. Here’s a dude playing some sweet jams. It was so fun being in Tel Aviv. It’s such a cool city, and a very nice contrast from J Town.
This was one of the more interesting people we came across. I don’t know what he was doing or what he was dressed up as, but he looked good either way, obviously.

We saw a kosher Burger King too! Fun fun. There’s a lot a lot of kosher stuff around here, since it’s a Jewish state and all.
After wanderings through the streets… TO THE BEACH! I went to the Mediterranean Sea… yay! So so happy. I need the sea so badly. I miss it so much.

Except this beach was way to Waikiki-esque for me. Too many people, too crowded. I prefer Hukilau or Temple Beach all to myself. That’s the greatest. I miss the beach so much.

happy feet in the sand and sea
happy girls on the beach
Seriously, as soon as my feet touched the sand, I was so happy. This was such a good and needed beach reunion.
I wanted to go swimming so badly, but we didn’t have enough time. I did get into the water though, but just up to my knees, and I got my skirt all wet, and it was so happy.
Then we had to walk back to another part of town and on the way, we stopped for some delightful frozen yogurt. Yummy yumkins!
I want this car. Other than my sweet 1991 Subaru Loyale, this is the only car I would want. I want one big time. I don’t like new cars. I only like old cars, and junky cars. Junky cars are the best.
a door
walking in the hot sun
THE WISHING BRIDGE. I LOVE WISHING! They have all of the zodiac signs and you put your hands on the plaque and look out at the sea. This is my wishing spot.
My wishes always come true. And what more could I wish for right now?
1 Comment
wow. I heard that is a crazy place.
had fun on your birthday?