Daily Archives

23 November 2009

Hawai'i, Uncategorized


23 November 2009

Today I tried not using my thumbs for a while. It’s very very extremely difficult, but I definitely recommend it. I now have whole new appreciation for my thumbs!

If I didn’t have my cute little thumbs:
  *I couldn’t type as speedily, trust me, I’m trying right now.
  *I couldn’t eat my oatmeal very well, or anything actually, toast, apples, everything yummy
  *I couldn’t hitchhike, not that I ever have anyway
  *I couldn’t give thumbs up anymore
  *I’d be the worst super nintendo player ever
  *I couldn’t wash my hair very well, I tried this morning. You can’t shower without those thumbs.
  *and as for going to the bathroom… I didn’t try, because I knew I would fail.

I am so grateful for my thumbs, which do nothing but create ease, beauty, and happiness in my life.

Hawai'i, Uncategorized

L. Tom Perry

23 November 2009

came here to Laie for a Hawaii regional conference. I know, that’s pretty huge. The Prophet was supposed to come too, but since his wife fell, he had to stay home with her. But still, an apostle of the Lord… wow. It doesn’t get too much bigger than that in the Church.

So today I am grateful for L. Tom Perry, an apostle, who is a completely devoted servant of the Lord and a special witness of Christ. It was quite wonderful hearing from an apostle in real life today. So blessed that that’s what you get when you’re at one of the Lord’s four universities.
And might I add that this one here in Hawaii is the best.

Sisters and Katy and I went and took pictures at the temple today after conference. So beautiful. I love it.