I am forever grateful for Mr. Alexander Graham Bell because he invented the first telephone! What would I if I couldn’t talk on the tellie? I guess I would write more letters, which I should do anyway.
I’m also grateful that cell phones were invented too, and that they aren’t as big as a toaster anymore like they used to be. And I’m especially grateful for cell phones because then I can talk to whoever, whenever, wherever. Isn’t it incredible?
I called my uncle Jaret tonight to wish him happy birthday and it was so fun talking to him. He’s pretty much the most hilarious dude on the planet. He cracks me up. I tried convincing him to come to AK for Christmas. Really really hope he does!
So a big thank you to the geniuses who have revolutionized the communication world.
As for texting… hmmm… I don’t. But these days, I kind of want to a little bit. But I’ve just been kind of anti texting for so long. I suppose that’s a bit irrational though. Texting is pretty good, I just hate when people are obnoxiously out of control and rude with it, which happens. Hmm, maybe I should become more pro texting and cave to the societal pressures forcing themselves upon me.
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