Daily Archives

29 August 2012


family fotos!

29 August 2012
Chris was a champ and took our family pictures!
the girls
the boys
and the best picture ever of the best boys
 as famílias poderão ser eternas
Keintz family
 siblings. bffs.
the original six
 Uma família tenho sim. Eles são tão bons para mim.

I miss Jakey boy.

29 August 2012
My dear, soon to be dentist, brother Jake, was home for a month, but now he’s back in New Jersey at school. Wish he were still here with us. I love good times with him, especially when he takes us to the bakery! 
 Holly girl and I took him up to the big city of Anchorage and twas a sad good bye.
 But then I got to go thrift shopping and things improved. I LOVE thrift stores.
 And check out the sweet headband I bought. Score.
 Twas a beautiful sunny day.
 Holly and I went CHAGA hunting.
 And then we cleaned three boats at midnight. :)

29 August 2012

an old family foto from Summit Pass.
I love these family peoples of mine.
Btw, I’ve eaten like 10 cookies today.
Healthy pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.
Yum. It’s sunny today.
I’m taking the doggies to the beach.