We had a little Passover/Seder party. This year this lovely Jewish holiday is actually in April, but we celebrated it early, for convenience purposes. Passover is a holiday commemorating the Exodus mostly, and the freeing of Israelites from slavery. We sang a lot of songs and did a lot of readings and ate lots of food.

The group I was in sang “the Four Questions.” I’m a pro at Hebrew now.
This is the nasty grape juice that we were served four times from. It was weirdo.
This is perhaps some sort of appetizer/food of plate full of symbolism that I don’t really know about.
Our lovely little appetizers. Except that is fish, which I’m not a hugest fan of. But I tried a miniscule bite of it and it was waaaay to fishy for me. I guess I’m just used to Homer, AK’s world famous halibut, which isn’t very fishy at all.
Then we had some soup. I love soup. I really love Holly’s soup. She’s such a fabulous sister, always making me her vegetable chowder, always hooking me up with whatever I need. I miss my dear family. They’re the best.
Yay salad! I loved this course. I love salad. Vegetables are the best.
And for the main course… delish. I’m normally not a meat fan at all, but this chicken pretty much rocked my world. It was so tasty. And yummy yummy steamed broccoli, and carrots, and mashed potatoes. Mmm… I’m hungry.
Then we had a delightful little fruit bowl. I love fruit. Yum. I can’t wait for summer nectarines, my favorite.
Then they brought out all these little treats. Our kitchen staff here at the JC is the best. They’re so good.
I realized I only have food pictures from Passover Feast, but we did do a little more than just sit around and it. It was quite the feast though. And it was so cool having our Judaism teacher, Ophir, teach us all about the Jewish holiday, Passover.
1 Comment
[…] Jewish holidays when you’re not living in a Jewish state. I surely had a Passover feast last year though. I even sang Hebrew songs and read translated Hebrew stories too. How awesome is […]