Another field trip day! Today we went to Jericho, the oldest and lowest city in the world. It’s 11,000ish years old and 850 feet below sea level. We saw a wicked old tree and the oldest manmade stone structure, and we went to a monastery where the rock that Christ was tempted at, and we went to the site of Herod’s Winter Palace.
Kara and I at this wicked old tree that has significance that I don’t remember.

Reading the Jericho story at Jericho. Whoa, these field trips are the coolest.
The oldest man made stone structure that is like 10,000 years old or something.
Moon and Chelsea living it up in Jericho! Yay for Bible stories!
I bought some love nuts too, aka sycamore nuts. But my oh my they were wicked good. I could go for some right this second. Mmmm… yummy!
At the Quruntul Monastery, where we had to dress very conservatively and they told us to cover our heads too, but I don’t know how necessary that one was.
beautiful artwork inside the monastery
They believe this is the stone where Christ was tempted by Satan when he was fasting for 40 days. It’s so cool being here.
view of JERICHO from the monastery on the mountain side
Behind us were a bunch of caves where the people at the monastery would go and seclude themselves and kind of rededicate themselves to the Lord.
Matt 360ing at the site of Herod’s Winter Palace
more desert wilderness
Field trip today was cool. I went to the oldest and lowest city in the world, which is the coolest of cool. And the love nuts I bought today were so exceptionally delish. Love me some love nuts.
1 Comment
[…] Exactly one year ago I discovered love nuts in Jericho. Oh how that moment changed the rest of my time in the Holy Land. I was addicted to […]